Tech5’s contactless fingerprint PAD software passes iBeta evaluation with high marks

T5-AirSnap Finger, a patented technology for contactless fingerprint capture developed by Tech5, has successfully passed iBeta presentation attack detection (PAD) Level 1 evaluation.
In PAD testing, Tech5’s fingerprint capture algorithm displayed 0 percent attack presentation classification error rate (APCER), ensuring no spoofs were misidentified as live fingerprints, and 0 percent bona fide presentation classification error rate (BPCER), where no live fingers were incorrectly classified as spoofs.
iBeta is accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) as an independent test lab and conducted the ISO Presentation Attack Detection testing in accordance with the ISO/IEC 30107-3 standard and in alignment with the ISO/IEC 30107-1 framework. Tech5’s T5-AirSnap Finger was found to comply with PAD Level 1.
T5-AirSnap Finger allows for accurate fingerprint capture within seconds using a smartphone’s camera, unlocking biometric capture and verification capabilities for any use case – from digital onboarding to any transaction that requires a high level of assurance using biometric verification. Built-in liveness detection technology, recently ranked first in the Liveness Detection (LivDet) 2023 non-contact fingerprint international competition, ensures that the presented fingers belong to a live person and prevents spoofing attacks.
The T5-AirSnap Finger technology reduces the need for purpose-built devices, as only the camera of a mobile phone is required for biometric acquisition and does not require any specific training.
“This unique combination of technologies makes T5-AirSnap Finger the most reliable contactless fingerprint capture offerings in the market, and we are delighted to make this ISO-compliant technology available to all our partners globally,” says Tech5 SVP of Global Business Development and Sales Ameya Bhagwat.
Tech5 target markets include government and private sectors with products powering civil and digital IDs and authentication products that deliver identity assurance for various use cases.
Article Topics
biometric testing | biometrics | contactless biometrics | fingerprint biometrics | iBeta | identity assurance | ISO/IEC 30107-3 | presentation attack detection | TECH5