Biometrics Institute’s learning tool shortlisted for award

The Biometrics Institute’s Biometrics Essentials learning tool has been shortlisted in this year’s Learning Technologies awards. The awards celebrate outstanding learning technologies worldwide, and the Biometrics Institute is a finalist in the Excellence in the Design of Learning Content – Commercial Sector (International) category.
The Biometrics Essentials learning tool is an interactive tool that covers the topic of responsible and ethical use of biometrics. It demonstrates the risks biometrics pose if not properly mitigated and provides directions on good practices and where to find risk management resources.
The tool was developed to provide good-practice guidance to Biometrics Institute members, to give other stakeholders a good understanding of biometrics and resources for more information, and to reach out to new audiences and potentially engage with the broader public.
“In my 21 years with the Institute, I have never seen this level of continuous interest in a Biometrics Institute good practice tool. Every week it gets used. 57 percent of those who have accessed it, we did not know, and of the 43 percent of learners that we know, a large proportion represents learners from emerging countries who are an important audience,” states Biometrics Institute CEO Isabelle Moeller.
The learning tool is a free online course that takes about an hour to complete, after which the learner receives a certificate of completion.
Shortlist finalists were selected from over 450 entries by an independent panel of judges at the Learning Network. The winners will be announced on Nov. 15.
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best practices | biometrics | Biometrics Institute | education | ethics