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5838 Edison Pl, #210
Carlsbad, CA 92008


Website: idmerit.com

We utilize traditional data such as credit files, public records, & government data to verify identities of individuals & business entities. We incorporate detailed information from social login providers, mobile applications, ad networks, social networks, & e-commerce websites for enhanced data intelligence. By integrating demographics like geography, economic status, gender & age, we can significantly improve our ability to identify and flag risk factors & provide maximum fraud detection.

IDMERIT Biometrics News


Virtual ID deadline extended again as UIDAI and Indian banks work to improve authentication systems

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has begun carrying out a directive from the Supreme Court, delivered as part…

Sep 19, 2018

IDMERIT extends biometric identity and onboarding technology in India

IDMERIT has extended its IDMvalidate app for identity authentication through verification of government documents and facial biometrics to India, with…

Aug 16, 2018

Rising tide lifts biometric digital identity verification providers

In the midst of the booming biometrics industry, digital identity verification stands out as an area which has gone through…

Jul 11, 2018

ID document and facial verification app launched by IDMERIT

Identity verification solution provider IDMERIT has announced the launch of an app for next-generation consumer identity document authentication and verification….

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