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10832 Old Mill Road, Suite 3
Omaha, NE 68154


Website: v2verify.com

V2verify is a patented, omnichannel voice biometric and AI platform that securely authenticates a user with an industry leading 2-seconds of natural speech and a 99.999% success rate. In addition to improving the customer experience, V2verify also improves security. V2verify’s voiceprints are stored in a binary form, so it’s impossible for the files to be reconstructed or reverse-engineered – making them useless to hackers.

V2verify Biometrics News


Voice biometrics startup V2verify joins Dreamit accelerator Fall 2019 lineup

Dreamit Ventures is kicking off its startup accelerator programs for Fall 2019, with 17 startups from across America participating in…

Mar 20, 2019

V2verify welcomes Grant Gregory to its board of directors

Voice biometrics firm V2verify has announced the addition of DoubleClick co-founder Grant Gregory to its board of directors. Gregory currently…

Nov 28, 2018

V2verify voice biometrics tech added to Inzenius time and attendance solution

User authentication and identity management provider V2verify today announced that its voice authentication technology has been added to the Inzenius…

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