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Digital Barriers

Biometric Update regularly releases articles about the topic "Digital Barriers." The following list of links is available to help you find biometrics news related to "Digital Barriers" and other relevant terms. More tags may be explored by accessing our complete Biometrics Topics list.


Facial recognition for Essex police rolls out in a heavily surveilled environment

The adoption of biometrics and facial recognition technology by law enforcement bodies in the UK and U.S. has progressed to…


Biometric wearables, temperature monitoring and digital health credentials for safe return to work, play

The waves of biometric and body temperature screening technologies launched to support returns to relatively normal social interaction at work…


Biometrics industry seeing higher demand and adapting technology to help outbreak mitigation

Biometrics is one of the industries singled out as experiencing a surge in demand due to the coronavirus pandemic by…


AI policy advisor says facial recognition bans could spread to states and federal government

The trend of bans on biometric facial recognition in U.S. cities will soon spread to states, and from there to…


Digital Barriers facial recognition tech integrated with Capita control room solutions

Digital Barriers‘ live video streaming, body-worn camera, video analytics and live facial recognition technology will be integrated into Capita Secure…


Moscow’s CCTV network to deploy facial recognition to 70 times more cameras this year

The number of video cameras in Moscow’s public surveillance network equipped with facial biometrics will grow by 70 times from…


Digital Barriers announces new partnership and successful facial recognition trials at major events

Facial recognition technology from Digital Barriers was used at the UK’s National Television Awards in January and The BRIT Awards…


Smartphone facial recognition touted for offender monitoring program

In light of project delays and changing technology, the UK should abandon ankle-tagging as a method of monitoring dangerous and…


Digital Barriers partner to incorporate facial recognition into AV fleet

NEXT Future Transportation and Digital Barriers have launched a joint integration program involving embedded computer vision software. Digital Barriers’ SmartVis…


COBAN, Digital Barriers to provide live facial recognition on police dash cam system

COBAN Technologies has partnered with Digital Barriers to provide live facial recognition and live video streaming technology for the FOCUS…

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