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Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

Biometric Update regularly writes posts regarding the term "Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)." The following list of links is available to help you find biometrics news regarding "Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)" and other relevant terms. Additional topics may be explored by accessing our comprehensive Biometrics Topics list.


Campaigners threaten UK ICO with legal action over lack of age verification for porn

A group of children’s charities has written to the Information Commissioner’s Office to threaten a high court challenge if it…


Clearview AI faces provisional $23M fine, cease and delete notice from UK regulator

Following a joint investigation with its counterpart in Australia, the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has announced its provisional intent…


UK government plan to ‘absorb’ biometrics regulator rebutted by Commissioner

A “once-in-this-generation opportunity” to build public trust in police use of surveillance and biometrics through reformed practices could be missed…


UK information commissioner exit interview: post-pandemic privacy, cyberattacks and ministers

In a final interview, Elizabeth Denham, the UK’s outgoing Information Commissioner (ICO) discussed her shock at firms’ lack of preparedness…


Facial recognition in schools: systems deployed in Europe and the US amid privacy concerns

New facial recognition systems are being deployed across school campuses around the world, while others are being removed amidst privacy…


Yoti says no biometric data in age estimation tech, takes issue with UK ICO opinion

Some of the opinions about age estimation expressed by a UK regulator do not apply to Yoti’s facial age estimation…


UK Surveillance Camera and Biometrics Commissioner pans proposed role changes

That the right to life and freedom from degrading treatment are related to police uses of biometrics, but not protected…


UK ICO sees loss of biometrics, surveillance review roles as funding opportunity

As part of a consultation on data and simplifying oversight of police use of biometrics and overt surveillance, the British…


London mayor sets out plan for smart city biometrics with Emerging Technology Charter

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has published an updated Emerging Technology Charter designed to act as a set of practical and…


ICO opens consultation for flow of biometric and other data out of the UK

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has opened a new consultation inviting organizations to comment on the protection of citizens’ data…

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