Biometrics 2013 15-17 October 2013 | London, UK
Biometrics 2013 provides great practical advice, tips and solutions for all those using or considering using biometrics technology for managing identity and increasing efficiency within government and commercial applications.
The comprehensive three-day programme brings together 45 international speakers to share insight, expert opinion and hands-on case study experience on the latest technological developments and new trials in the use of biometrics. Sessions include: Mobile biometrics, Voice verification, Securing identity and facilitating travel, Biometrics and payments, Biometric technologies in focus, Military applications, Government applications, Innovation in biometrics, Facial recognition, Biometrics and Big Data, Biometrics and healthcare.
The BiometricsLive exhibition is host to the leading providers of biometrics technology and services and is free to attend. A series of free seminars look at a range of topics and provide a useful introduction to those new to biometrics.
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Biometrics 2013 15-17 October 2013 | London, UK: Biometrics 2013 provides great practical… via @BiometricUpdate