Multi-biometric identity proofing solution from NextgenID meets new OMB requirements
NextgenID has announced that products and solutions such as its multi-biometric ID*Capture Kiosk available now meet the requirements of the Policy Memorandum just released by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The new OMB Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) policy (PDF) directs the federal government to modernize its identity management efforts, and support “cross-government identity federation and interoperability.”
The ID*Capture Kiosk performs biometric facial, iris, and fingerprint recognition, for NextgenID’s Virtual In-person Proofing (VIP) solution for Supervised Remote In-person Proofing (SRIP). VIP is the only solution on the market that meets all NIST SP 800-63A requirements and enables significant cost savings while meeting the OMB policy requirements, according to the announcement.
“NextgenID continues to be a leader in improving and modernizing identity solutions specifically for the Government and has created products that support the use of shared services resulting in significant cost savings to all adopting agencies,” says Dario Berini, COO, NextgenID.
The OMB enacted the new policy after audits found numerous access control weaknesses at federal agencies. The company also says that adopting the OMB Policy will drive down the cost of the various identity programs used throughout the federal government.
“Identity Proofing technology has been in place for over a decade with few advancements. In fact, it’s the Achilles heel of credential issuance both because of cost and unpredictable accuracy. NextgenID’s Kiosk and SRIP technology represents a new breed of proofing process, one that reduces cost while increasing accuracy. Proofing is the single largest cost component of any credentialing system,” comments CertiPath President Jeff Nigriny. “In our analysis of the market, NextgenID’s SRIP is the leading solution that addresses cost and accuracy while providing many additional operational benefits.”
Article Topics
access management | biometrics | identity verification | NextgenID | NIST | remote identity proofing | standards | U.S. Government