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Zwipe and SmartMetric make headway toward Asian biometric payment card market



Global card solution provider dz card has partnered with Zwipe to launch biometric payment solutions for customers in Thailand and across Southeast Asia, plus India and Africa.

Zwipe’s biometric technology platform will be integrated by dz card to bring biometric payment cards to market with proprietary payment platform and at-home enrollment technology from Zwipe, along with associated solutions, according to the announcement.

“We have received requests from several large issuers seeking biometric payment cards and we are excited to partner with Zwipe, who is uniquely positioned to support our customers in introducing, optimizing and scaling up the issuance of this innovative product which makes contactless payment so much more secure,” comments dz card CEO Adam Renaud.

“We are honored that dz card decided to join our growing customer base and we are confident that our unique and dedicated approach to support them in launching biometric payment cards will be a win for their customers, some of the largest financial institutions in Southeast Asia,” adds Zwipe CEO André Løvestam.

Zwipe is exploring the possibility of being listed on Nasdaq Stockholm’s First North Growth Market to capitalize on new opportunities generated by the impending commercialization of biometric smart cards.

SmartMetric meanwhile has announced that the batteries in its biometric card product have been certified for air and ground transportation from and into Asia.

New regulations require the battery, battery on the circuit board, and final product including the battery certified through third-party laboratory testing, and without satisfying the regulation the company says it would not have been able to supply its circuit board assembler with batteries. The three separate certifications took approximately seven weeks each, delaying the SmartMetric Advantis biometric card’s journey to market, according to the announcement.

We are excited that we are now able to take our product to our sales and marketing partners RedSys / ADVANTIS who in turn will now be able to offer our biometric credit and debit card product to their more than five hundred card issuing banking organizations around the world,” says SmartMetric President and CEO Chaya Hendrick.

Some of the largest banks in the world use Redsys Advantis credit and debit chip cards, SmartMetric says, and 1.4 billion cards with Advantis chips have been issued. SmartMetric’s biometric offering will be available to them soon, and the company says it can manufacture 1 million cards a month. A planned expansion will increase that to 10 million per month.

“Using biometrics inside the credit card is something that has taken us over 15 years of R&D but now we find ourselves with arguably the most advanced and exciting biometric solution to fight credit and debit card fraud,” claims Hendrick.

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