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Redrock Biometrics palm print and vein recognition to support transit access and payments

Redrock Biometrics palm print and vein recognition to support transit access and payments

Palm print and vein biometrics from Redrock Biometrics have been selected by barcode technology provider FalconPro Technology to co-develop a tokenless large-scale identification solution for mass transportation and payments.

Redrock’s PalmID software will be combined with a camera module from FalconPro for simultaneous palm print and palm vein image capture. FalconPro produces a range of scanners, software and computing products, and is a founding member of the Chinese Automatic Fare Collection System Association, providing QR code-based digital ticketing systems for multiple metro transit and high-speed rail systems in China.

“We are collaborating with Redrock Biometrics to create a hardware and software system to conduct pilot projects with large customers in the payments and public transportation industries,” said Xun You, CEO of FalconPro. “Redrock’s advanced palm-print biometric solution provides dramatically better accuracy and ease of use over competitive technologies that FalconPro requires to expand our product offerings beyond barcode technology.”

Redrock Biometrics’ technology works with standard RGB or infrared cameras to create a palm signature that the company says is impossible to fake. Its PalmID algorithms can match a multi-modal palm signature against a database of millions of registered templates in a fraction of a second, according to the announcement.

“This joint project leverages Redrock and FalconPro’s expertise in biometric software and imaging hardware,” said Hua Yang, Redrock Biometrics’ co-founder. “We are excited to be a part of such an important initiative to create a true contactless/tokenless authentication and identification solution. In a world that sees a large portion of the population wearing facemasks and avoiding touching, both parties see palms as the biometrics of choice in public settings.”

HYPR recently partnered with Redrock to integrate palm recognition with its passwordless authentication in April.

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