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Monaco choses IN Groupe to secure digital identity, produce biometric identity documents

Monaco choses IN Groupe to secure digital identity, produce biometric identity documents

IN Groupe has been selected by The Principality of Monaco to help design and secure its digital identity scheme and create new identity documents including biometric passports, electronic ID cards and residence permits.

Natives and residents of Monaco will have the option to generate a digital identity associated with new identity documents, with deployment planned for the first half of 2021. The digital identity will provide access to various state services without the need for additional supporting documents.

The credentials will comply with the security standards of both Monaco and the EU’s eIDAS regulations to provide interoperability with various European digital identification services.

The OSIA and Open ID Connect standard protocols are utilized by the system to simplify the deployment and use of digital identity credentials within government e-services, according to the announcement.

The new digital ID system is expected to be available on mobile devices and bear a qualified signature to allow the production of online sworn statements, paperless contract signing, obtaining documents like birth certificates online, and access to e-government services from a single sign-on (SSO) one-stop shop.

IN Groupe acquired Nexus near the beginning of 2020 to extend its digital identity software portfolio.

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