Using biometric technology to fight public sector benefit fraud
The pandemic caused a scramble to digitize typically in-person services in order to provide extensive financial aid to those in need. Criminals watched eagerly as money poured into public schemes and programs without adequate controls in place to protect those funds.
This new wave of fraudsters utilize sophisticated generative AI technologies, such as deepfakes, digitally injected attacks, and synthetic identities to undermine the government benefits programs and siphon funds away from those in need.
Given the amount of money at stake, how stolen benefits funds undermine their intended humanitarian efforts, and how these stolen funds can fuel further nefarious initiatives – a mission-critical solution is required.
Inside this white paper, we lay out a vision for using science-driven technology to curtail fraud and ensure that public sector funds are going to the genuine, intended recipient.
Download this white paper by iProov to learn more about:
– The unprecedented levels of public sector benefit fraud and how this is undermining remote government services and benefit schemes.
– Which factors – such as the prevalence of sophisticated technologies and tools utilized by criminals – have enabled historic levels of fraud.
– Key public sector benefit fraud case studies and statistics.
– How biometric face verification technology can protect public sector funds and safeguard society’s most vulnerable through secure identity verification and ongoing user authentication. This ensures that aid is going to the right person rather than a fraudster or criminal organization.
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Article Topics
biometrics | face biometrics | facial verification | government services | identity verification | iProov | white paper