Bosnia and Herzegovina digital ID agency refutes claim it overstepped authority
Another bureaucratic fight has broken out between a national identity agency and its attendant government, this time in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
The Agency for Identification Documents, Registers, and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA) has issued a statement objecting to allegations from the Ministry of the Interior of Republika Srpska (MUP RS) that it abused its legal authority to assist MUP RS with technical support by offering unauthorized ID services in person – and, in doing so, jeopardized the security of citizens’ personal information.
IDDEEA, says MUP RS, “has no authority to receive requests of the citizens in person.” Indeed, the core issue appears to be one of jurisdiction, and whether IDDEEA counts as a legal certification authority.
IDDEEA is pursuing the digitization of services through increased issuance of biometric credentials, digital identity documents, wallets and remote electronic signatures. Its BiH digital identity has been available since February. On July 1, it launched its application for the issuance of a qualified remote electronic signature, making remote electronic signing of documents available to citizens for the first time. It also opened registration offices to facilitate registration.
IDDEEA says it is operating within its rights as a certification authority registered with the Ministry of Communications and Transport, in line with EU directives and certified according to the eIDAS regulation. It claims MUP RS has made “unclear and imprecise statements” regarding the agency’s scope of work.
“If allegations refer to the issuing of qualified electronic certificates for remote signing,” it says, “we must also remind you of the official response and clarification of the competent Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”
Because, of course, “everyone knows that the competent supervisory authority for implementation of the Law on the Identity Card of Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Law on Electronic Signatures of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
“The IDDEEA is obliged to implement and enforce the applicable legislation until the contrary is foreseen or proven in any of the legal procedures.”
BiH is a participant in the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL), which grants access to a €7.5 billion (US$8.1 billion) fund to advance digital transformation.
Article Topics
Bosnia and Herzegovina | eIDAS | electronic-signature | EU | government services | Identity and Data Exchange Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA) | trusted certificates