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Togo trains personnel for WURI digital ID project enrollment, supervision

Togo trains personnel for WURI digital ID project enrollment, supervision

A training program for supervisory personnel as well as those who’ll be deployed to the field for a mass biometric registration exercise in Togo has kicked off.

According to reporting by Togo First, the training, which started on October 28, will run till November 18 in all of the country’s five administrative regions. The date for the start of the enrollment proper has not been announced.

The training is being conducted thanks to a collaboration between the National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED) and the National Identification Agency (ANID). Those who are concerned with the training were selected in March.

The upcoming biometric enrollment drive is part of the WURI-Togo digital ID project which intends to have every Togolese issued a unique identification number which can enable them get easy access to public services. Togo’s foundational ID system is based on MOSIP, with Atos and Idemia involved in the ID project.

Officials say a pilot had already been conducted for the mass biometric registration exercise which was supposed to have begun in the last quarter of last year. The platform to be used was also tested.

Togolese President Faure Gnassingbe talked about the importance of the biometric census in May last year, saying it will lead to the issuance of biometric ID cards that will enable the government “be more effective and efficient in the implementation of our social protection policy.”

Togo was among four countries that joined the World Bank-funded WURI project in 2020. The country is receiving around $72 million funding for the project.

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