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Margins ID Group

Biometric Update regularly writes posts related to the term "Margins ID Group." The following set of links is available to assist you with finding biometrics news concerning "Margins ID Group" and other relevant terms. Additional topics may be explored by reviewing our complete Biometrics Topics list.


Ghana unveils biometric border management system, e-gates at main airport

Ghana has upgraded its border management capabilities with the introduction of a biometric-based system to facilitate immigration controls. The launch…


Margins Group CEO advocates data harmonization for Ghana to curb duplication, ID fraud

The CEO of Margins Group, the company producing Ghana’s national ID card (Ghana Card), Moses Baiden, has emphasized the need…


Ghana plans digital version of national ID card to simplify authentication

The producers of Ghana’s national ID card, known as the Ghana Card, have announced that a complementary digital version of…


Ghana police get over 100 biometric devices for field checks against national database

Police in Ghana have acquired more than 100 mobile devices to perform biometric identity verifications in the field, Modern Ghana…

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