DigitalPersona launches new PIV and FAP-certified fingerprint modules
DigitalPersona has announced the launch of its U.are.U 5200 U.are.U 5300 fingerprint modules. According to the company, these are the smallest PIV-certified FAP 20 and FAP 30 OEM modules on the market.
“DigitalPersona’s ability to offer standards-based FAP 20 and FAP 30 fingerprint solutions in high volumes with short leads times fills a need in the marketplace,” Chris Trytten, director of hardware product management at DigitalPersona said.
These new readers are both FIPS 201 PIV and FBI Mobile ID FAP 20 and FAP 30 approved.
DigitalPersona will be showing its U.are.U 5200 FAP 20 module at the Biometrics 2013 Exhibition in London, held this week, from October 16-17, 2013.
Reported previously, DigitalPersona recently acquired Identity Stream, a company that uses fingerprint biometrics to identify customers in financial institutions. The terms of this deal have not been disclosed.
Article Topics
DigitalPersona | fingerprint | fingerprint readers | FIPS | PIV | U.are.U
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