Morpho identity management platform integrating civil registries and vital statistics
Morpho (Safran) announced it is integrating civil registries and vital statistics (CRVS) in its MorphoCivis identity management and registration system in support of the new United Nations-approved sustainable development objectives.
Morpho is enhancing its identity solutions at a time when major development agencies are also focusing on identity issues, such as the World Bank with an initiative called ID4D (Identity for Development).
Morpho’s advanced system is designed to address the expectations of developing countries by ensuring a legal identity for all citizens and access to public services.
The implementation of a comprehensive civil registry covering a country’s entire population is one of the keys to the UN’s commitment.
Secure, digital civil registry systems are required to achieve this goal, and in particular, for establishing statistics on entire populations. Governments and decision-makers are then able to use these tools to support the development of their countries.
MorphoCivis is a complete software suite that allows governments to more effectively manage the identity of their citizens in a range of fields, such as ID cards, passports, driver’s license, health and welfare, and voting.
Through MorphoCivis, governments are provided with a complete set of tools to implement their e-governance vision, following national laws and processes and international recommendations.
MorphoCivis is comprised of five sub-components, including the MorphoCard System, which monitors the life cycle of issued electronic credentials and manage card profiles and applications; the MorphoBiometric Engine, which allows operators to conduct biometric searches and manage large-size biometric databases; the MorphoEVA Civis, which manages “front office” interaction with the public; the MorphoPopulation Register, which defines, stores and manages individual rights; and the MorphoPerso solution, which handles the personalization phase of the document.
In related news, the Center for Global Development recently held a panel presentation which discussed the advantages of implementing biometric technology to help identify the millions of people without legal identity and achieve development goals.
Article Topics
biometrics | civil registration | CRVS | Identification for Development (ID4D) | identity management | morpho | United Nations
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Morpho identity management platform integrating civil registries and vital statistics
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Morpho identity management platform integrating civil registries and vital statistics
RT @BiometricUpdate: @Safran_Morpho #identity management platform integrating civil registries and vital statistics:
RT @BiometricUpdate: @Safran_Morpho #identity management platform integrating civil registries and vital statistics:
RT @BiometricUpdate: @Safran_Morpho #identity management platform integrating civil registries and vital statistics:
Morpho identity management platform integrating civil registries and …