Boxer Security deploys Access by Ipsidy to verify employee location, attendance
Peruvian security services provider Boxer Security has selected Ipsidy biometric technology to verify employee location and attendance in Boxer’s operations in Peru. Boxer specializes in comprehensive protection services for private enterprises, transportation fleets, and special events.
Access by Ipsidy is an out-of-the- box biometric identity and physical access management solution. Boxer will deploy Access augmented with geo-location technology to improve time and attendance verification processes, allowing Boxer to track and report with biometric certainty the arrival and departure of guards and other employees at Boxer client sites in Peru.
Employees confirm their identity and attendance with a blink and a smile via Ipsidy’s mobile biometric application. Ipsidy will capture the app’s geo-location data, validate the photo’s live nature, and match it against the employee’s reference template which is stored in Ipsidy’s secure platform.
“We are excited to integrate Ipsidy’s biometric identity solution to strengthen security and simplify time and attendance,” said Eduardo Gaviria of Boxer Security S.A. “We believe Access will allow us to simplify and improve security processes and overall employee and customer experience.”
Ipsidy noted in its announcmeent that Mobile Solutions Peru was instrumental in achieving the agreement with Boxer. Ipsidy biometric solutions are available in Peru and Chile through Mobile Solutions Peru.
Article Topics
access management | biometrics | facial recognition | Ipsidy | time and attendance