ID R&D takes gold in combined voice biometrics and liveness detection challenge
ID R&D announces that its IDVoice Verified voice verification and spoof detection product took first place in the SASV 2022 Challenge, placing the highest among its competitors for biometric speaker verification and liveness detection.
SASV stands for ‘spoofing-aware speaker verification,’ and the 2022 Challenge involved 23 submitters from vendors and academic institutions with advanced programs in voice biometrics. The Challenge is said to be the first event to simultaneously evaluate biometric matching and spoof detection accuracy.
The Challenge results are broken down by equal error rate for the combined verification and spoof detection function, and for each discreetly. IDVoice achieved a 0.13 SASV-ERR, compared to a 0.21 SASV-ERR for second-place the ‘DKU-OPPO’ entry. ID R&D’s entry also achieved the best equal error rate in individual speaker verification and spoof detection as separately measured.
“ID R&D was eager to participate in a challenge that recognizes the importance of biometric matching and liveness detection working in unison,” comments Alexey Khitrov, CEO of ID R&D. “Our consistent performance in evaluations reflects the market leadership that our R&D investments have earned for our voice products, and we’re pleased to be seeing our efforts translate to more convenient security for so many users.”
The company says the results show the suitability of speaker verification for uses that require convenience and security, like mobile authentication.
ID R&D also took first place in the Short-duration Speaker Verification (SdSV) Challenge 2021.
There will be a special session on the 2022 SASV challenge at ISCA Interspeech, September 18 to 22.
Article Topics
biometric liveness detection | biometric matching | biometric testing | biometrics | ID R&D | speaker verification | spoof detection | voice biometrics