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Consult Hyperion whitepaper examines deepfake threat to identity verification

Consult Hyperion whitepaper examines deepfake threat to identity verification

In the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, recent advancements are shaking up traditional methods of identity document verification. While conventional solutions have relied on capturing and analyzing static images or videos of physical documents, these methods are facing a formidable challenge from the rise of deepfake injection attacks, a whitepaper by Consult Hyperion reveals.

Consult Hyperion wrote the paper in collaboration with Inverid.

Deepfake technology, which utilizes AI algorithms to manipulate or fabricate images and videos, has become increasingly sophisticated. As a result, identity verification systems that solely depend on visual inspection are now vulnerable to exploitation. This vulnerability has prompted experts to advocate for more robust alternatives, particularly those based on chip-based solutions bolstered by strong cryptography.

In recent years, digital banks have been at the forefront of leveraging digital identity document verification, and the technology has since matured, expanding its applicability beyond banking to various consumer-facing sectors such as financial services, gambling, insurance, and conveyancing.

There has also been an uptake of digital identity document verification solutions. Initially utilized primarily for customer onboarding, identity document verification has become an integral part of the customer due diligence process, often bundled with other background checks. However, the whitepaper reveals its potential extends beyond initial onboarding to various stages of the customer lifecycle, including account recovery and critical event management.

The solution typically requires a remote face biometrics matching and liveness detection process to verify that the individual presenting the document is indeed the rightful owner.

Advocates argue that identity document verification should be decoupled from the onboarding process and offered as a standalone capability. This would allow service providers to deploy it as needed, integrating it into their identity and access management platforms.

The paper also outlines two primary methods of identity document verification: photographic and cryptographic. The cryptographic approach is highlighted as superior in terms of security and user experience optimization. Moreover, it emphasizes that identity document verification requires specialized expertise beyond simple document scanning, suggesting that outsourcing may be the most effective approach for many organizations.

The photographic method involves capturing and analyzing a photographic image or video recording of the document. However, analyzing physical security features from such images can pose challenges, for which the whitepaper claims advancements in cryptographic verification is needed.

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