eu-LISA biometrics brief explains border systems for wide audience

A European Union agency tasked with operating large-scale IT systems related to law enforcement is publishing a series of briefs designed to introduce its work to wider audiences. The first two-part brief published by eu-LISA delves into biometric technology and its use in border management inside the Schengen area.
eu-Lisa (European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice) is tasked with operating Europe’s border systems and their data, including biometrics.
The first part of its initial Technology Briefs offers an introduction to biometric technology, its benefits and limitations. The second part of the brief delves into Europe’s six border systems and their use of biometrics. This includes the Schengen Information System (SIS), the Visa Information Systems (VIS) and the European Dactyloscopy Database (EURODAC), the upcoming Entry/Exit System (EES), the European Travel Authorisation System (ETIAS) and the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS).
One of eu-LISA’s main tasks is to make its IT systems interoperable with the help of biometric technology. The brief lists interoperability components such as the Shared Biometric Matching Service (sBMS), Common Identity Repository (CIR) and the Multiple Identity Detector (MID).
The briefs, however, do not mention timelines for implementing the border systems or their interoperability components. eu-Lisa has been partially blamed for causing delays in the ETIAS rollout by Europol and Frontex.
Statewatch has also uncovered that the EU’s implementation target to make biometric databases for law enforcement and border control interoperable has been delayed to 2027. According to data released last year, the Multiple Identity Detector (MID) will be coming online by the fourth quarter of 2026, while the Shared Biometric Matching Service (sBMS) is scheduled to reach operation at the same time as the EES, in October 2024.
Article Topics
biometric matching | biometrics | border management | Entry/Exit System (EES) | ETIAS | eu-LISA | Eurodac | Europe | interoperability | Schengen Information System (SIS)