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Ethiopia advances towards biometric passport launch with ICAO engagement

Pre-registration now underway
Ethiopia advances towards biometric passport launch with ICAO engagement

Pre-registration and identity verification for biometric passports with embedded microchips is underway in Ethiopia ahead of a launch next year, Fana reports.

Officials from the Ethiopian Immigration and Citizenship Service (ICS) met with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal for a consultation to ensure the new e-passport is internationally recognized. The consultations also addressed the implementation of technology to use the biometric passport at land borders in a way that complies with ICAO standards.

ICAO’s standard for biometric passports is in the midst of an update, and all passport scanners must meet the new standard by the beginning of 2026.

ICAO supports capacity-building

Key representatives from the aviation industry, including government minister and ICAO officials, met for the ninth African-Indian Ocean Region (AFI) Aviation Week in Gabon during July to discuss mutual support and collaboration. ICAO’s “No Country Left Behind” project was a central focus at the event, the organization says.

“The presence of so many key representatives from States and international and regional organizations is a clear demonstration of the recognition of the importance of aviation in Africa as an enabler for sustainable economic development, and the region’s strong commitment to speak in a single voice in shaping the future of international aviation,” said ICAO Council President Salvatore Sciacchitano.

The ICAO held talks on the sidelines on capacity-building and implementation with representatives from Chad, Gabon, Uganda and South Africa. Ethiopia has also requested capacity-building assistance from the ICAO to support its passport launch, according to Fana.

Preparations advance

The contract for the biometric passport production was awarded to Toppan at the end of last year, and the company broke ground on a new facility in Addis Ababa for passport manufacturing and issuance on May 8. Toppan holds 51 percent in a joint venture, Toppan Gravity Ethiopia, which was formed with Ethiopia’s state printer and two other government entities.

The government has raised passport issuance fees ahead of the rollout. The Immigration and Citizenship Service (ICS) has set the price for a new passport at 5,000 birr (approximately US$62), and for expedited issuance at ETB25,000 ($311). Replacements of expired or filled passports cost the same, but with an additional cost if a correction is required. Lost passports cost ETB13,000 ($162) to replace.

Meanwhile, ICS has been accused to discrimination preventing people from Ethiopia’s Tigrayan ethnic minority from obtaining passports by Human Rights First Ethiopia. The organization produced an investigative report that found inconsistencies in the issuance process and documentation required to obtain a passport, according to Modern Diplomacy. Some Tigrayans have been asked to provide documents from deceased relatives or been labelled foreigners despite evidence to the contrary.

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