In the age of AI, World is a network of real humans built on an anonymous proof of human and a globally inclusive financial network.
World Biometrics News
Worldcoin nears $100M funding round amid security concerns
Worldcoin, a cryptocurrency and digital ID project utilizing biometrics, is reportedly nearing a $100 million funding round. The project was…
May 9, 2023 | ‘Proof of personhood’ and global stipend hang on Worldcoin walletWorldcoin and its development partner Tools for Humanity are back with a new play for a global digital ID. World… |
Apr 4, 2023 | Options for verification of personhood online growing; Twitter still pretendingThe ability to pay seven or eight dollars does not constitute evidence of who a person is, or that their… |
Mar 17, 2023 | Worldcoin says SDK lets you prove you’re a human online. Coins not includedWorldcoin’s dream of providing biometrically unique “proof of personhood” for the entire globe takes a step forward with the release… |
Feb 13, 2023 | Iris biometrics crypto project Worldcoin reportedly looks for $120M investmentThe iris biometric cryptocurrency project known as Worldcoin is looking to sign a lead investor for a $120 million round,… |
Jan 30, 2023 | Worldcoin shares details of open-source, iris biometrics-scanning ‘Orb’Cryptocurrency company Worldcoin has published a new blog post describing the “Orb,” the company’s iris biometric imaging device. “After three… |
Jul 11, 2022 | Reports explore nexus of digital ID and migrationThe German Marshall Fund of the United States has published a new report exploring the intersection of digital wallets and… |
Apr 29, 2022 | Worldcoin adds layer of privacy to biometric cryptocurrency after disapprovalWorldcoin, a cryptocurrency company that assigns the eponymous digital currency with an iris biometrics scan and promised to play a… |
Mar 23, 2022 | Worldcoin raising $100M for biometric crypto, Advance.AI parent company considers fundraiseIris biometric-based cryptocurrency Worldcoin is reportedly set to raise $100 million through the sale of its tokens, while Advance.AI’s parent… |
Mar 17, 2022 | Crypto-biometrics firm with altruistic plan stumblesAmbitious plans are in the DNA of technology, and few visions have been more amazing than scanning an iris of… |
Oct 25, 2021 | Worldcoin iris biometrics cryptocurrency project launched by Sam AltmanTech millionaire Sam Altman’s Worldcoin start-up has emerged from stealth mode, offering free cryptocurrency to individuals who verify their accounts… |
Jun 30, 2021 | Solving world poverty with cryptocurrency and a silver ball-shaped iris biometric scannerDigital technology that promises to change the world is quickly being replaced, it seems, by tech that enrages at least… |
World Industry Insights
World ID – Changing the world or sci-fi dystopia?
By Alan Goode, CEO and Chief Analyst at Goode Intelligence Would you let a shiny metal orb scan your iris…
Why Worldcoin will go nowhere |