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fingerprint sensor

Biometric Update regularly publishes news about the topic "fingerprint sensor." The following list of links is available to help you find biometrics news related to "fingerprint sensor" and other relevant terms. Additional topics may be explored by accessing our comprehensive Biometrics Topics list.


NEXT Biometrics and Infineon develop reference design for fingerprint payment cards

NEXT Biometrics and Infineon Technologies have jointly developed a reference design for biometric payment cards, incorporating all elements necessary to…


University study shows top biometric performance by NEXT Biometrics’ fingerprint sensors

A new study by Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) shows NEXT Biometrics’ fingerprint sensor technology outperforms that of three…


FPC announces three new fingerprint sensor deployments

Fingerprint Cards has revealed three recent deployments of its fingerprint sensor technology in new smartphones from Huawei and Xiaomi. The…


Samsung patent for optical in-display fingerprint sensor published

A Samsung patent filed with WIPO for a ‘Biometric sensor and device including the same’ was published today and details…


Biometrics integration to restore auto makers in the battle for the center console

The display of the Synaptics demo SUV is in the usual place, and not particularly large, but it provides a…


HID Global fingerprint sensor wins Security Today award

Security Today magazine has named the HID Global Lumidigm V400-BX Series multispectral imaging fingerprint sensor its New Product of the…


Rumor has Samsung launching smartphones with optical in-display fingerprint sensors soon

Samsung may introduce its in-display fingerprint technology earlier than expected in the Galaxy P30 and P30+, rather than the Galaxy…


Precise Biometrics software deployed in Oppo R17

Precise BioMatch Mobile, Precise Biometrics’ software for fingerprint recognition in mobile devices, has been deployed in the Oppo R17, integrated…


Fingerprint Cards debuts automotive industry compliant touch sensor

Fingerprint Cards today announced the launch of its first automotive version of touch sensor FPC1021AP. The Swedish biometrics company notes…


Two new BlackBerry smartphones feature Fingerprint Cards’ sensors

Fingerprint Cards has revealed that two new smartphones feature FPC fingerprint sensors. BlackBerry’s Indian licensee Optiemus Infracom introduced the BlackBerry…

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