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presentation attack detection

Biometric Update regularly publishes articles related to the term "presentation attack detection." The following set of links is available to help you find biometrics news about "presentation attack detection" and other relevant terms. Additional tags may be perused by accessing our complete Biometrics Topics list.


Paravision launches facial liveness detection software after iBeta Level 2 success

Facial liveness detection software has been commercially launched by Paravision, which also announced that it has passed a Level 2…


Fime France gets NIST lab accreditation for biometrics testing

The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program accreditation (NVLAP Lab Code 600365-0) from NIST will allow the French firm to expand…


ROC.ai upgrades PAD capabilities of face biometrics SDK

Rank One Computing has updated its software development kit with what the company says are substantial improvements to its biometric…


Liveness detection challenge to prevent AI voice fraud launched by US regulator

The Federal Trade Commission has opened a $25,000 challenge looking for the best and broadest answer to AI-enabled voice cloning…


Biometrics pros school Google on Android PAD specs

Google is taking criticism for its new biometric specifications for Android devices, which allow an error rate of up to…


FaceTec reveals liveness check milestone, high marks in BixeLab test

FaceTec, Inc. now conducts over two billion 3D biometric liveness checks yearly, of which 475 million were performed in Q3…


Biometric presentation attack detection shows maturity in NIST evaluation

The effectiveness of the best presentation attack detection (PAD) software for face biometrics is sufficient to give businesses that use…


Alice gets high scores for PAD, face biometric ID verification

Alice Biometrics, which provides identity verification based on face biometrics, is among a handful of providers to post positive results…


iBeta is accredited to expand biometric quality assurance and performance testing

Colorado-based iBeta Quality Assurance has been certified with accreditation to expand their biometric security testing capabilities. In a release, the…


Biometrics to recover stolen US aid meant for Covid-hit firms? No way

Anyone expecting to hear how biometrics can be used to recoup the hundreds of billions of dollars defrauded from U.S….

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