HID Global predicts rise in eID issuance
HID Global recently shared its perspective on electronic government identity programs.
HID Global predicts that by the year 2015, about 85 percent of personal credentials issued by world governments will be multi-functional electronic id cards or “eIDs”. It is estimated that countries that issue “eIDs” will surpass the number of states that issue traditional forms of identification by at least four to one, over the next five years.
Currently, about 90 percent of all identification documents are still being checked manually, instead of by scanners and readers. For this reason, distinct security features that can be seen by the human eye are embedded into IDs to verify their authenticity when used in any government ID credentialing program.
HID Global also notes that there is also a serious drive being launched by governments against large scale counterfeiting and identify fraud by boosting the integrity of security systems.
Do you think multi-function electronic identification cards will actually be deployed at the rate that HID Global projects?
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biometrics | border control | ePassports
HID Global predicts rise in eID issuance http://t.co/w6Ex4ixR #biometrics #security