Biometrics Institute Congress 2018 details unveiled
More than 250 biometrics industry stakeholders are expected to participate in the annual Biometrics Institute Congress in London from October 15 to 19 as part of Biometrics Week 2018.
International experts speaking to the Congress include Patrick Grother and P. Jonathon Phillips of NIST, UK Biometrics Commissioner Paul Wiles, Surveillance Camera Commissioner Tony Porter, and Forensic Science Regulator Gillian Tully, Paul Cross of Australia’s Department of Home Affairs, European Commission Project Manager for Biometrics Richard Rinkens, and UNCTED Senior Legal Officer Jean-Philippe Morange. Topics to be discussed include privacy, data protection, GDPR, security, liveness detection, oversight, cybersecurity threats, digital identities, seamless customer experience and ethical issues.
“The Biometrics Institute is uniquely placed to lead this debate through its global multi-stakeholder membership community which brings together the experts and those new to biometrics,” says Isabelle Moeller, Chief Executive of the Biometrics Institute.
“It is a gathering of key decision makers from government and industry and we are delighted that each year the Congress steps up to a new level. Our role of providing thought leadership and independent guidance is becoming increasingly important with legislation and standards unable to keep pace with the technology developments.”
The Congress follows Chatham House Rules to encourage participation and open discussion. It will focus on biometrics in the digital identity space, and attempt to demystify some common questions, according to the announcement.
The Biometrics Institute also recently announced an upcoming series of workshops to be conducted in collaboration with counter-terrorism agencies to strengthen the awareness, knowledge, and capabilities of biometric technology in targeted regions.
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biometric liveness detection | biometrics | Biometrics Institute | cybersecurity | data protection | digital identity