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Telkomsel chooses ForgeRock’s identity management as IDSA report shows identity security lacking

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Telkomsel chooses ForgeRock’s identity management as IDSA report shows identity security lacking

ForgeRock’s identity management system has been chosen by Indonesian mobile operator Telkomsel to secure and streamline identity management across web, mobile and other applications during its cloud migration, the company announced. The importance to businesses of securing digital identities is accentuated in a new IDSA report, meanwhile, showing that roughly three-quarters of companies have fallen prey to a preventable security breach due to weak identity security.

By integrating an identity management platform that is flexible in hybrid environments, Telkomsel aims to upgrade its MyTelkomsel app. The solution now supports 200 million identities and can process seven thousand transactions per second, the company says.

“Our partnership with ForgeRock is one of the building blocks to digital transformation initiatives for Telkomsel. The large scale and quick time to market requirements being one of the main reasons for Telkomsel to partner with ForgeRock,” said Telkomsel CIO Pak Bharat Alva, in a prepared statement.

ForgeRock’s platform assists Telkomsel with developing a digital ecosystem of mobile, web and third-party applications for a seamless customer experience. Customers can use the same identity across multiple applications and devices and, the telecom’s customers can manage their own identity and access, reducing the workload of Telkomsel’s IT administrators.

“Telkomsel’s commitment to digital transformation is a true mark of its leadership position and has been the driving reason behind its growth. We’re excited to further accelerate and future proof Telkomsel’s digital footprint through rethinking identity management for their millions of customers,” said David Hope, SVP of APJ at ForgeRock, in a prepared statement. “ForgeRock’s Identity Platform will enable Telkomsel to expand its mobile app ecosystem, adopt DevOps, and look to Cloud solutions, all while creating a pleasant experience for customers through self service capabilities.”

In February, ForgeRock became a member of the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), an industry alliance that promotes identity-focused approaches for security.

Most companies still fall victim to preventable identity-related security breaches

DevOps, automation, and an increase in enterprise connected devices have led to a growth in the number of workforce identities. As many as 79 percent of businesses have fallen victim to an identity-related security breach in the last two years that could have been preventable, found an IDSA recent study titled “Identity Security: A Work in Progress.”

More than half of companies say phishing was the most common attack method. Although 71 percent have reformed identity management ownership, less than 50 percent have implemented key identity-related security outcomes.

“When approaching identity security, professionals must first consider a range of desired outcomes, or results they want to achieve, and then chart their paths accordingly,” said Julie Smith, executive director of the IDSA, in a separate announcement. “According to security and identity professionals, these outcomes are still a work in progress, with less than half reporting that they have fully implemented any of the identity-related security outcomes that the IDSA has initially identified as critical to reducing the risk of a breach. In fact, the research shows a clear correlation between a focus on identity-centric security outcomes and lower breach levels.”

The IDSA has also released an updated Identity Defined Security Framework which includes IDSA Best Practices and a library of identity-defined security outcomes and implementation approaches that enterprises can use to understand the landscape.

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