Data Machines wins award from US Army’s next-gen biometrics program

Data analytics company Data Machines has been selected to participate in the U.S. Army’s Next Generation Biometric Collection Capability (NXGBCC) prototype development program.
The NXGBCC, which will replace the current Biometrics Automated Toolset-Army (BAT-A) Program of Record for biometrics collection capability, works to provide innovative biometric solutions to troops in the field.
According to the Department of Defense Biometrics (DOD Biometrics), the new system will be designed to “collect, match, store, share, analyze, reference, and manage contextual data and biometrics.”
These will include “iris, fingerprint, facial images, palm prints and voice on Known & Suspected Terrorists, potential adversaries, host nation personnel, and third-country nationals to inform the warfighter in a decide/act response.”
Data Machines completed the first field test of the prototype system in late 2019 and was selected to continue development to a prototype stage in April 2020.
The company specializes in designing, building, and using cloud architectures to solve difficult problems in data analytics, dev-ops, machine intelligence, and data science.
The Army updated the BAT-A database to improve its biometric capabilities in the field early in 2020, and has also been developing a system with biometric authentication to wearables for mobile network access.
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biometric data | biometrics | cloud services | data collection | Data Machines Corp | Department of Defense | Next Generation Biometric Collection Capability (NXGBCC) | tender | U.S. Army