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data collection

Biometric Update regularly authors articles regarding the term "data collection." The following set of links is available to help you find biometrics news concerning "data collection" and other relevant terms. Additional tags may be perused by accessing our complete Biometrics Topics list.


Mexican state biometric population registry sees high acceptance

The Mexican state of Veracruz is seeing high levels of interest from its population in the biometric version of the…


Canadian court upholds Clearview biometric data ban

The Supreme Court of British Columbia dismissed a petition by Clearview AI to overturn an order of the Information and…


Report: Transparency and trust at risk in digitally consolidated world

The concept of digital consolidation as explored in the Task Force on Digital Consolidation report by the CyberRisk Alliance and Institute…


VPNs popular workaround as US age verification debate comes to a head

A large swath of the southern United States have lost access to major online porn sites over age verification laws….


Pakistan introduces biometric registration for children 10 to 18 years old

Pakistan will collect biometrics from children between the ages of 10 and 18 years old when adding them to the…


New Zealand releases Biometrics Code for public consultation

New Zealand is getting a Biometrics Code. An announcement from the office of Privacy Commissioner Michael Webster states his intention…


NTIA considering guidelines for ethical use of ‘pervasive data’

The U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) issued a Request for Public Comment seeking public input on the potential…


DHS seeks wired interconnection for mobile devices to secure biometric data

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is spearheading an initiative to develop a wired interconnection cable/adapter that supports secure and…


Scottish review calls for clearer standards for police in biometric data retention

The Scottish government, in partnership with the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner, has published a detailed review of biometric data retention practices…


Maldives collects biometrics to tackle illegal immigration issues

The Maldives government has expanded its national campaign, Operation Kurangi, aimed at curbing illegal immigration across the island nation. As…

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