Biometric tokenization patents given to Trust Stamp

Two U.S. patents for biometric identification, one for biometric tokenization, have been awarded to software maker Trust Stamp.
The first patent (11,741,263), published last week, protects “systems and processes for lossy biometric representation.” It’s now part of Trust Stamp‘s line of products that tokenize biometric data.
Tokenizing biometric data makes a fingerprint, for example, an abstract, anonymized vector image, eliminating exposure of the biometric. This process is also designed to be hard to reconstruct the original stored information used to create the token.
The vector image is compared to others to verify identity.
The patented process has been integrated into the company’s irreversibly transformed ID token, or IT2, software, which minimizes storage and use of biometric template.
Also, this month, Trust Stamp won protection for privacy-secured biometric ID and verification (11,711,216). It is a biometric enrollment system, also part of the company’s IT2 portfolio, can produce multiple transformed, privacy-secured templates for storage.
The company also increased its customer base by 31 percent over the six months prior to August 1, according to an announcement.
Article Topics
biometrics | patents | research and development | tokenization | Trust Stamp