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Age Verification

Age verification is a process carried out either online or in-person, often with biometrics or facial analysis, in order to control access to restricted goods, services, or content. It is also related to age estimation, which uses similar technologies.


Gesture-based age estimation tool BorderAge joins Australia age assurance trial

Australia’s age assurance technology trial is testing the new biometric tool that performs age estimation based on hand gestures. The…


Social media ban for kids under 13 advances through US Senate committee

U.S. kids under 13 could soon be banned from accessing social media platforms, as an age assurance law makes its…


Maryland age assurance lawsuit shows NetChoice digging in on First Amendment

The legal lockup over age assurance continues in Maryland, where tech industry lobby group NetChoice has filed a lawsuit challenging…


Age check legislation to prevent youth alcohol, tobacco sales expanding globally

In line with analyst predictions for 2025, various countries and territories are strengthening age verification regulations to protect minors from…


Biometric age assurance legislation in New York targets porn, alcohol

A new senate bill in New York brings the state’s 2025-26 legislative session into the fray on age assurance for…


Age assurance community gathers to work on global standards for local regulations

The global community of age assurance stakeholders is preparing to meet in Amsterdam to discuss a rapidly changing regulatory landscape,…


DIF works toward standardized data scheme for age assurance credentials

Legislation and discussion on age assurance has exploded globally, with major regulatory shifts ongoing in the U.S., UK, EU and…


UK age assurance shift driven by mDLs, regulation, public safety

Age assurance for online retail purchases is becoming increasingly common in the UK, as merchants peddling alcohol, tobacco and weapons…


French privacy watchdog includes digital ID, AI and minor protection in strategic plan

Digital identity, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and protecting minors online will be the main areas of focus for the French privacy…


Link EU digital ID wallet to social media accounts to end anonymity: Spanish PM

Social media accounts held in the European Union should be linked to EU Digital Identity Wallets to prevent anonymity, Spanish…

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