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Flywallet is an innovative Italian fintech startup that connects payment, mobility and health services by enclosing them in a single ecosystem and putting security first, thanks to biometrics and IoT technologies.

The goal of Flywallet is to become the leading solution in enabling digital services through a platform that brings together all the aspects of the daily life of a person, thanks to the possibilities of a new kind of wearables that are more and more integrable in fashion accessories.

Flywallet Biometrics News


Fingerprint Cards partners on biometric wearables in Europe, residential doors

Biometric wearables startup Flywallet and Fingerprint Cards have formed a collaborative partnership to develop and launch biometric wearables in Europe….

Jan 13, 2022

Biometrics and digital ID providers announce awards, distinctions

A series of awards and recognitions has been snapped up by biometrics and digital identity providers, in celebration of some…

Jun 22, 2021

Flywallet closes second Seed round to advance biometric wearable platform

Flywallet has successfully closed a second Seed financing round to bring its ‘biometric wearable platform as a service’ to market, with…

Jan 18, 2021

Fintech startup Flywallet reveals biometric wearable at CES 2021

Italian fintech startup Flywallet revealed a new biometric wearable at CES 2021 last week. Dubbed Keyble, the module can be…

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