Aware announces US Navy mobile biometrics deployment
Aware has announced that the US Navy has just deployed a mobile biometric solution from the company as a part of its “Identity Dominance” program.
Specifically, the solution includes a software application developed by Aware to operate on third-party ruggedized biometric capture devices. This app uses APIs that are a part of Aware’s COTS SDK. Aware also supplies the Navy with its Biometric Services Platform, which is used to update software on its devices.
“The successful Navy deployment represents a major achievement for our team, and demonstrates Aware’s ability to execute at several levels on large, complex projects,” Rob Mungovan, Vice President of Aware’s Biometrics and Imaging group said. “We’re pleased to see the solution at work in the field, and look forward to future opportunities to leverage our deep expertise in mobile biometrics.”
According to the company, this app was funded through a Small Business Innovation Research award won by Aware in 2010. This particular project also led to the procurement of the first mobile biometric solution in the Department of Defense to achieve the status of “Program of Record.” Aware says that less than 5% of SBIR awards lead to a “Phase III” production stage, and even fewer to “Programs of Record” recognition.
Earlier this year, Aware announced the results for its second quarter 2013 and showed a profitable quarter, based on increased revenue and net income improvements.
In 2012, the Biometric Research Group identified Aware as a “speculative buy” for investors.
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Aware | government | military | mobile | Navy
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