Ubisecure launches new version of flagship identity and access management platform
Ubisecure has updated its Identity Platform with a host of new features and improvements, including an Accounting Service to gather statistics on authenticated users in client systems, the platform’s first JavaScript extension, and the inclusion of Known Issues in the release notes to help customers identify configuration of deployment complications.
The new customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform builds on Ubisecure’s focus on microservices. Identity Server 2019.1 ensures functionality with the Finnish Trust Network (FTN), which is coming into active use to replace TUPAS, and is used by many of Ubisecure’s Nordic region customers. The new Accounting Service not only provides insights into user behavior, but enables support teams to identify important service patterns and incorporate them into UX design. The SSO UI – Per User Authentication Matching JavaScript extension delivers a smoother sign-in experience for end users, automatically selecting the appropriate authentication method among the options offered by a website based on previously-entered email addresses.
Ubisecure also recently launched its ID-as-a-Service (IDaaS) to provide a cloud-based option for enterprise customers.
“After listening closely to our customers and partners across the year, we’ve worked to enhance our existing procedures to enable and inspire new use cases,” says John Jellema, VP of product management at Ubisecure. “With the release of Identity Server 2019.1, I can confidently say that this is our best software package yet.”
Article Topics
access management | authentication | digital identity | IDaaS | identity management | Ubisecure