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Industry Insights

Biometric Update Industry Insights feature biometrics and digital ID industry experts discussing their unique perspectives.


The Trouble with TrapWire

Over the past week, the press and the Twitterverse has been running rampant with stories about TrapWire, the counter-terrorism technology…


Israeli jurists right to call biometric database “extreme” and “harmful”

Last week, the Israeli High Court of Justice held a hearing on a petition seeking the annulment of a law…


Governments need to work on passport, National ID reliability

No two persons are alike. This fact has long been established through extensive biometric research and study. For this reason,…


Barcodes to authenticate quality of food, medicine

In 2003, researchers at the University of Guelph proposed “DNA barcoding” as a way to identify different animal, fish and…


God particle to benefit humankind and biometrics

This week, a fundamental base component of the universe was found. Physicists working at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, the world’s…


Rapid DNA quickly becoming reality

DNA analysis is universally acknowledged as a significant tool for fighting crime and is the only biometric that contains specific…


Biometrics will Challenge the Security and Privacy of Social Networking

Privacy protection will become increasingly critical once biometrics are integrated into personal computing profiles. Currently, biometrics are mostly the domain…

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