South Korean Immigration project turns to Lumidigm for fingerprint readers
Lumidigm has just announced that its technology is now being used as a part of the Republic of Korea’s immigration clearance process.
Specifically, the immigration system uses SMARTCORE multi-biometric stations with the Lumidigm’s imaging sensors. Upon arrival to Korea’s busiest ports, all foreign visitors must go through an immigration process which requires giving two digital fingerprint samples. The SMARTCORE station also photographs the face of each visitor for another layer of verification.
According to the company, the SMARTCORE station uses Lumidigm’s multispectral imaging technology, which collects information about the surface and subsurface fingerprint during the acquisition process.
“SMARTCORE understands assured authentication,” Phil Scarfo, Senior VP of Sales and Marketing at Lumidigm said. “The MBAS is a well-designed device that delivers the security the government requires with multi-factor authentication while ensuring as much convenience as possible for visitors to South Korea. We are proud to be part of this project.”
Reported previously, South African Bytes Technology Group recently acquired BNT and became a Lumidigm partner, securing exclusive distribution for Lumidigm’s authentication technology in Africa and the Middle East.
In addition to the ports in Korea, Lumidigm’s multispectral readers are also being used at the ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge in Belgium.
Article Topics
border security | fingerprint | immigration | Lumidigm | South Korea
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