Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by Department of Defense
Biometric Associates, LP (BAI) announced that it has been granted the DoD Unified Capabilities Approved Products List (APL) approval of the baiMobile 3000MP Bluetooth smart card reader as an MMD.
The Risk Management Executive (RME) granted Information Assurance (IA) certification on August 24 based on compliance testing by the DISA Risk Management Executive (RME) and became effective on August 26.
The baiMobile 3000MP Bluetooth smart card reader recently received Bluetooth certification for BlackBerry 10 devices, including the Passport and Classic smartphones, based on testing by a DISA-approved independent laboratory.
The smart card reader had been previously certified for BlackBerry OS7, Apple iOS, Android smartphones and tablets.
“We are pleased to continue support for BlackBerry 7 devices and add support for BlackBerry 10 devices to service the huge installed base of BlackBerry smartphones within the US government and internationally,” said BAI president Scott Johnson. “The baiMobile 3000MP is the only DISA-approved Bluetooth smart card reader available today with support for multiple operating systems, allowing simultaneous pairing with up to five different devices. We have worked closely with BlackBerry to ensure full security and compatibility for BlackBerry customers with our baiMobile 3000MP Bluetooth reader.”
The baiMobile 3000MP supports BlackBerry 7 and BlackBerry 10 smartphones, as well as Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 desktops, laptops, and tablets.
“With security and privacy as our cornerstone, BlackBerry has become a trusted partner to governments around the world that rely on our mobile solutions,” said Jeffrey Ait, BlackBerry’s VP and head of U.S. public sector division. “The DISA approval for the baiMobile 3000MP provides government customers with two-factor authentication to meet U.S. Department of Defense requirements and ensure secure communications, while enabling them to be productive and collaborative using BlackBerry 10 smartphones.”
Article Topics
biometrics | certification | Department of Defense | PIV | PKI | smartcard reader | standards
Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by Department of Defense:
Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by Department of Defense
#cyber Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by Department of Defense – Biometric Update
#DoD Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by Department of Defense – Biometric Update
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RT @BiometricUpdate: Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by Department of Defense:
Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by Department of Defense:
RT @BiometricUpdate: Biometric Associates #smartcard reader approved by @DeptofDefense:
RT @BiometricUpdate: Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by Department of Defense:
RT @BiometricUpdate: Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by @DeptofDefense:
RT @BiometricUpdate: Biometric Associates smart card reader approved by Department of Defense: