Biometric passports for Costa Rica citizens by 2020
A government official has confirmed that Costa Rica will issue citizens ePassports by 2020 and that the project will soon be put up for open tender, according to a report in The Costa Rica Star.
Gisella Yockchen, director of the General Migration Direction, said the total project has an estimated cost of $25 million, and consists of three four-month stages from the moment the tender is finalized.
The first stage involves the purchase of an automated fingerprint identification sytem (AFIS) for biometric passports. The second stage has to do with the installation of smart doors, making passenger processing more efficient in the airports and the last stage is the creation of the ePassport.
The Migration Direction expects the project to start in the first or second quarter of 2018 for it to be ready by 2020.
Article Topics
AFIS | biometrics | border security | Costa Rica | ePassports | fingerprint biometrics | tender