GlobalPlatform ISO 17065-accredited to issue cybersecurity certifications

Standard certification organization GlobalPlatform has been found compliant with the ISO/IEC 17065 by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA).
The move recognizes the efficacy and security of GlobalPlatform’s three certification schemes: functional, secure element (SE) security, and trusted execution environment (TEE) security, respectively. The latter two are the hardware environments in which on-device biometrics are typically stored and processed.
“GlobalPlatform secure components, such as TEEs, SEs or MCUs, embed a Root of Trust and are seen as essential to the future of cybersecurity,” explained Gil Bernabeu, Technical Director of GlobalPlatform.
“Secure components, or devices that embed them, need to be certified to facilitate trust, confidence, and collaboration between stakeholders and foster market stability and growth,” he added.
The ISO 17065 accreditation given to GlobalPlatform has number 5486.01 and acknowledges the firm’s satisfaction of a series of requirements. These include certification bodies’ impartiality, competence, and confidentiality, as well as consistent operation and openness of product, process, and service.
“GlobalPlatform’s three certifications schemes, therefore, have a big role to play in helping device manufacturers to develop trustworthy devices and prove their quality. We are also now well-positioned to help regulators bring greater trust to the cyber world,” Bernabeu said.
GlobalPlatform’s certification tools are used by several companies in the identity and biometric space, including EMVCo, FIDO Alliance, and GSMA.
Article Topics
biometrics | certification | cybersecurity | GlobalPlatform | ISO standards | trusted execution environment