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ID scanning for age verification deployed by Intellicheck in Charleston, launched by Au10tix

ID scanning for age verification deployed by Intellicheck in Charleston, launched by Au10tix

Charleston, South Carolina is making an ID verification program for businesses that relies on technology from Intellicheck permanent following the successful conclusion of a 6-month pilot. The program is intended to reduce underage drinking and improve the safety of Charleston’s Central Business District.

The pilot program was supported by the city and tourism body Explore Charleston, and included 30 businesses in the downtown area. They used Intellicheck’s ID verification app to perform more than 100,000 ID scans, identifying roughly 3,400 fake or invalid ID documents over the course of the trial.

Intellicheck’s ID verification is used by the Charleston Police Department and South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, and delivers 99 percent ID authentication accuracy in less than a second with the mobile devices or point-of-sale scanners already in use.

“High-tech fake IDs are readily and inexpensively available to young people on the web,” says Intellicheck CEO Bryan Lewis. “Unfortunately, young people don’t recognize the dangerous situation they create for themselves and others when they use those sophisticated fake IDs to access alcohol and other age-restricted products. This is only the beginning as we look forward to working with businesses throughout the city of Charleston.”

“As law enforcement officials, our main focus is protecting our communities, and our partnership with Intellicheck has been instrumental to our efforts to combat the use of fake IDs by underage individuals,” says Lieutenant James Byrne, commander of the CPD’s Central Business District Division. “As this technology becomes available to businesses citywide, we have a valuable opportunity to prevent the tragedies that often occur due to underage drinking and create a safer environment for all.”

Au10tix launches biometric app

Au10tix has launched a new biometric app for consumer-facing businesses to perform automated identity and age verification at points-of-sale.

The Au10tix app verifies ID documents in 8 seconds or less, according to the announcement, which the company says will enhance customer experiences and accelerate sales. The app can also perform face biometrics checks to reduce fraud risk and meet KYC requirements.

Businesses can customize the process to fit their needs, the app does not require any setup, and it can be integrated with their branding.

“We understand the importance of seamless access control, and are committed to helping our customers keep their business moving. The Au10tix app enables employees to verify anyone, anywhere, at any time — in a matter of seconds,” said Dan Yerushalmi, CEO of Au10tix. “Organizations no longer need to worry about human error in the ID verification process.”

Au10tix pitches its app for casinos, sporting events, hospitality businesses, pharma and healthcare organizations, and education, travel and delivery companies.

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