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refugee registration

Biometric Update regularly releases news related to the term "refugee registration." The following set of links is available to assist you with finding biometrics news about "refugee registration" and other relevant terms. Additional tags may be perused by reviewing our entire Biometrics Topics list.


UNHCR concerned about slow registration of refugee children for Ethiopia’s digital ID program

The enrollment of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons for digital ID in Ethiopia has been ongoing since March, but…


UNHCR adopting biometric face image quality standard for refugee ID documents

The UNHCR wants to strengthen the quality of the identity documents it issues by improving the quality of their facial…


UNHCR, WFP data sharing collaboration yielding results for refugee management in Tanzania

Food distribution for refugees in Tanzania is getting easier with the use of a data sharing tool recently introduced by…


Jordan accelerates digital transformation with iris biometrics

Jordan has made progress in its digital transformation efforts as work is underway to add a biometric system for citizens…


Türkiye plans to issue biometric IDs to refugees with protected status

The government of Türkiye says there is a plan in the pipeline to issues ID cards embedded with biometric chips…


Namibia begins issuance of much-anticipated biometric ID cards to refugees

It looked like a stalled project for many years, but it’s now reality. The issuance of biometric ID cards for…


Cameroon lawmakers examine legislation to address statelessness

The Parliament of Cameroon is examining a bill that will allow the country to accede to two United Nations Conventions…


UNHCR salutes African govts’ pledge to accelerate digital ID action for forcibly displaced

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has lauded the willingness by some African governments to…


Burkina Faso gets support from Japan to enroll IDPs for biometric ID

The government of Burkina Faso recently got a boost from Japan to its efforts in conducting biometric identity enrollment for…


Pakistan to deport 600K Afghans with refugee ID cards

Pakistan has announced its intention to expel about 600,000 Afghan citizens, an official confirmed through media reports. The deportation drive,…

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