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SDG 16.9

UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 calls for legal identity for all people worldwide, including birth registration, by 2030.


Sri Lanka: ‘DPI is not just a buzzword’

A robust digital public infrastructure (DPI) framework is central to Sri Lanka’s ongoing digital transformation, while the country’s digital ID…


New civil registration law refocuses Cameroon’s push for SDG 16.9 legal ID target

Ornela Ndip is a 25-year-old internally displaced person (IDP) who fled her hometown of Kembong, Manyu Division, South West Region…


NADRA powers Somalia’s digital transformation with foundational ID infrastructure

Somalia is certainly on the right path in the pursuit of its digital transformation ambitions, thanks in large part to…


Identification for development: A Who’s Who

Identification for development, sometimes styled as “ID4D,” is a global initiative that seeks to provide legal identity for the 850…


Kenya records major gains in Maisha Namba ID backlog clearance

Kenya’s State Department of Immigration and Citizen Services says that its efforts to advance the Maisha digital ID project led…


Philippines pilots back-to-back birth and national ID registration for newborns

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) has piloted back-to-back birth and National ID registration. The pilot strategy means the PSA is…


Contract tendered for biometric registration kits, back-end hardware in DRC

Biometrics providers are invited to bid on a contract for biometric registration and identification hardware and software for use by…


World Bank extends Nigeria digital ID project support by another two years

The World Bank now expects Nigeria to issue the National Identification Number (NIN) to 180 million people, a target that…


Foundational identity: A fundamental human right

For one to have a house standing strong, one needs to have laid a solid foundation for it. The same…


Birth registration progresses globally but big gaps remain in Sub Saharan Africa: UNICEF

About 8 in 10 children globally below the age of five have had a birth registration around the world in…

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