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New deals in financial services, government sectors brings in $1.2M for ImageWare Systems


ImageWare Systems has started 2020 with more than $1.2 million in revenue due to partnerships signed with credit unions and a biometric-oriented project for a foreign government agency, deals planned for the first quarter of 2020.

“Working with a government to provide multiple agencies a plan to implement interoperable biometric solutions in both the near and long term, is a partnership that takes time to create,” said Jim Miller, Chairman and CEO, ImageWare Systems. “Multi-agency government solutions are not simple, and opportunities like this can take months to develop.”

Miller credits the win to the company’s work with multimodal biometrics and its flexibility to accommodate any biometric algorithm or hardware vendor.

“Throughout the world, governments often face powerful adversaries and need the best authentication solution to ensure accuracy, sustainability, and scalability,” he said.

“We are excited about our new customers in the credit union and foreign government sectors. ImageWare’s products deliver incomparable value and companies are taking notice of us,” added David Somerville, SVP of Sales and Marketing.

In 2020, ImageWare Systems forecasts more banking, enterprise, and government opportunities. The company claims its multimodal biometric platform leverages hundreds of millions of identities through turnkey or software development kit (SDK) systems.

In December, its biometric platform received security compliance validation by a SOC-2 audit.

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