Fime confirms Sybrin passive biometric liveness detection meets PAD standards

Sybrin has announced that its Passive Liveness Detection Software Development Kit (SDK) has successfully passed a compliance test by Fime, meaning it meets FIDO Alliance’s biometrics standards for both Level A and B presentation attacks.
In a statement announcing the development, Sybrin said the test by the FIDO-certified laboratory was conducted based on the FIDO Biometric Certification Requirements v1.1 (FIDO1.1) and in line with ISO/IEC 30107-1 and ISO/IEC 30107-3:2017.
The test was carried out with smartphones on which Sybrin’s Liveness Detection Showcase application was assessed for effective spoof detection.
Testing involved 12 subjects, six level A and four level B attacks, which enabled the design of 120 presentation attack instruments (PAI).
Each of the 120 PAIs, Sybrin said, was tested against the product five times, in outside conditions leading to 600 presentation attacks, also included testing against gender bias and racial bias for Asian, African and European ethnicities.
Salvatore Errera, business unit head for Innovations and Product Management at Sybrin said: “With the increased need for remote biometric verification prevalent in the market, we felt that FIME’s commitment to ensuring the compliance and conformance of biometric solutions to the required standards was in line with our desire to provide a leading product fit for commercial use in any industry.”
The FIDO Alliance’s Biometric Certification requirements are intended ensure that biometric subcomponents meet globally recognized performance standards for biometric recognition performance and Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) and are fit for commercial use, South Africa-based Sybrin notes.
In May, Fime certified the biometric enterprise security solution from Keyless as being compliant with FIDO Alliance’s Biometric Component Certification Program.
Article Topics
biometric liveness detection | biometric testing | biometrics | FIDO | Fime | ISO standards | ISO/IEC 30107-3 | passive facial liveness | presentation attack detection | smartphones | spoof detection | Sybrin