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Vision Pro iris sensor added to Apple’s fingerprint and face authenticators

Vision Pro iris sensor added to Apple’s fingerprint and face authenticators

The happiest day at Apple isn’t its release of a great annual report. It’s when executives see how the market will squeal with delight over a new product design.

And there’s been a lot of squealing this week as Apple releases its biometrics-heavy Vision Pro around the world. To be honest, the squealing has been just a little muted among actual buyers because at a base price of $3,500, it’s a nosebleed purchase for almost all of humanity.

But to be honest again, these 3-D goggles are the first time Apple customers have had cause to get giddy since the first iPhone.

For the biometrics industry, the biggest deal is Optic ID iris scanning for authentication. (The goggles, which would not be out of place on the frozen face of a Tauntaun rider, use a combination of iris and/or password to authenticate.)

Both eyes are simultaneously scanned by four eye-tracking cameras unless there is an issue with one, in which case settings can be adjusted.

Apple doesn’t say much more about the biometrics, but it is more forthcoming about data privacy.

Like with iPhones, personal authentication information is only ever stored on the Vision Pro. Sensitive information from within apps is secured, too. The googles, which run on visionOS, ship with 25 Apple apps, including settings and Safari.

And Optic ID data is encrypted and shut away only in Apple’s Secure Enclave processor.

That’s the show, but a Bloomberg writer chronicled his experience buying a Vision Pro, which bears reading if someone is on the fence. Getting a nice Tauntaun saddle sounds almost as fun.

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