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travel biometrics

Biometric Update regularly writes news about the topic "travel biometrics." The following set of links is available to help you find biometrics news related to "travel biometrics" and other relevant terms. More topics may be explored by accessing our entire Biometrics Topics list.


Biometrics Institute updates solutions review for COVID-19 recovery

With organizations around the world facing changed, but still critical questions about how to resume operations, biometrics suppliers have responded…


Idemia working on digital health passport for borders with Kiwi immunity-detection company

Idemia has partnered with Orbis Diagnostics, an immunity-detection technology provider based in New Zealand, to support research and development into quantitative…


Innovations in on-device biometrics for crypto, edge devices, and enterprise security unveiled

Local matching, whether on biometric cards, mobile phones or edge devices was a key theme running through the week’s top…


Face recognition and the future air travel experience

Airports uniquely demand both a very high passenger throughput and a very high degree of security underpinned by the positive…


Role of biometrics for safe travel reopening examined by IBIA Executive Director

Biometrics will play a critical role in the redesign and future success of the aviation industry, but expanded outreach education…


TSA and NEC experts talk biometrics in latest IBIA podcast

The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is still defining the role of biometrics in domestic air travel, but will move…


Biometrics for online security, access control, pandemic impact top digital identity news of the week

Demand for biometric technology seems to be receiving a boost from the sudden need to conduct as much business as…


World Economic Forum spells out its decentralized biometric travel ID project

The World Economic Forum has published a white paper describing in detail its proposed biometrics-backed paperless international travel concept, called…

Amadeus IT Group SA

As a travel technology company  Amadeus builds the critical solutions that help airlines and airports, hotels and railways, search engines, travel…


Biometric passports, digital ID initiatives in Africa and contactless tech top this week’s biometrics news

The spread of biometrics systems in Africa in the public and private sector, in particular in Nigeria, topped the stories…

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