iDenfy, AuthenticID launch integrated biometric authentication tools

Biometrics and identity verification providers are extending their software to connect different parts of the identity lifecycle, as part of the market’s maturity process. iDenfy and AuthenticID are each joining Keyless in introducing new biometric authentication capabilities for more integrated identity management.
Liminal’s report last year on the rise of integrated identity platforms revealed that the market was valued at $48.1 billion in 2023, but will spike at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.6 percent, reaching $115.9 billion by 2027.
The Liminial report claims that as identity vendors enhance their platforms to capture the market opportunity, there is a strong ROI for enterprises.
More integrated identity platforms and biometric authentication tools are emerging to address this growth opportunity, offering technologies that promise greater security, efficiency, and user convenience.
Keyless is among them, recently launching a new feature for integrating biometric identity verification enrollment with the authentication system used subsequently.
iDenfy’s biometric re-verification
iDenfy is also adding authentication to its biometric IDV capabilities, unveiling a new face authentication service designed to help businesses re-verify customer identities.
The system, which iDenfy says is fully automated, operates by matching the customer’s live selfie biometrics with a reference image. This process utilizes AI-powered data extraction from the customer’s ID document to confirm the face’s authenticity. With iDenfy’s facial recognition technology, the face is analyzed and compared to the ID document’s photo, and put through liveness detection.
Domantas Ciulde, CEO of iDenfy, explains: “If the user can’t pass their authentication, the company can instantly take the necessary steps to avoid dealing with a potentially fraudulent customer. This way, this tool can help online platforms boost efficiency in their internal risk management processes.”
iDenfy highlights that the face authentication tool comes with face-matching capability that businesses can utilize to re-verify the customer’s identity at any stage of the customer lifecycle.
AuthenticID launches tool for biometric re-authentication
Similarly to iDenfy, AuthenticID has brought its Smart ReAuth system, which provides instant biometric re-authentication with a selfie to re-confirm an identity, to market.
The company says it works by enabling users to undergo an identity verification process to establish themselves as legitimate during enrollment. Once verified, they can prove their identity for various purposes, such as conducting high-value transactions, resetting a password, or logging into an application. The goal of the new feature is to allow businesses to verify customers or employees at any stage of their journey, while preventing fraud and account takeovers (ATO), AuthenticID notes.
Additionally, the tool can be implemented through a web service or integrated into a client’s existing web or mobile workflow.
Article Topics
Accurate Biometrics | AuthenticID | biometric authentication | iDenfy | identity verification | Keyless | Liminal | onboarding | reusable identity